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Preparing your system for Compose

Compose should be installed on a Windows Server machine that is able to access the data warehouse and optionally the source database(s) defined in your Compose project. Note that Compose only needs to access the source database if you plan to discover the source database when generating your model. For more information on discovery, see Discovering the Source Database or Landing Zone.

Before installing Compose, make sure that the following prerequisites have been met:

Hardware prerequisites

The following table lists the required hardware for varied deployment scales:

Hardware component requirements
Component Basic System Large System Extra-Large System


Information note

Additional cores may improve performance when several ETL processes are running concurrently.

Quad core

Quad core base

8-core base


Information note

Additional memory may improve performance when several ETL processes are running concurrently.

8 GB

16 GB

32 GB

Disk requirements

Information note

For all configurations, RAID is recommended for higher system availability in case of disk failure.

100 GB


500 GB

10,000 RPM


500 GB

15,000 RPM



1 Gb

10 Gb

Two 10 Gb

Software and network prerequisites

  • Firewall ports 80/443 should be open on the Compose machine.
  • .NET Framework 4.8 or later installed on the Compose machine.
  • TLS 1.2 or later must be supported in the underlying OS.
  • Information noteOn Windows Server 2012 R2, TLS 1.2 should be turned on by default. If it is not, refer to the Microsoft online help for instructions on how to turn it on.

For information on supported databases and browsers, see Support matrix.

Required permissions for the Compose service

Qlik Compose needs to be installed and run as Administrator.

Reserved system names

All database object names (queries, tables, columns, schemas, and indexes) starting with the prefix qlk__, and regardless of case, are reserved for internal Compose use.

Thus, a table named qlK__MyTable or a column named QLK__MyColumn would not be permitted.

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